"Sasquatch?" Despite it being three in the morning Doris was wide awake and ready to supply a job.
"That's what the customer said, he assumed big foot, but you know he didn't exactly see it, they are illusive, like on finding bigfoot..."
"Doris don't talk to me about those fake shows you enjoy, I've told you they are bullshit and the people on them know to avoid real bigfoots." Gilbert's look told Clarissa this was a constant argument between the two.
"Ok Mr. Sasquatch Expert, the client's name is Bill O'Grady, he lives north of Helena, I'll text you the full address."
"Doris how many sasquatch jobs have I taken?"
"By my count two hundred and forty seven."
"And how many have turned out to be sasquatchs?"
"Twenty four."
"I rest my case, text me the address, and can you get me an address for a hunting shop around here, regular not monster, I'm going to need bullets that can kill a bear."
"It's a sqautch Gilbert."
"The address Doris!" Gilbert hung up and sighed.
"You think its a bear?"
"I don't think I know its a god damn bear, it's always a bear, sasquatch are normal loving creatures that don't bother people let alone rise to a nuisance, O'Grady has a damn bear, probably black, might be brown, We'll try and spook it and get it going somewhere else, if not we'll put it down. It's a monster in its own right if its approaching people's houses, just not the normal type I hunt."
"And if its a squatch?"
"Then we'll talk to it and get it to know it should be moving on."
"You can talk to them?"
"Yeah they speak English for the most part, picked it up over the years, hell some squatchs that don't have much hair even join society, they are not the creatures most people think of them." Clarissa didn't know what to think. She just thought big foot was something idiots believed in.
"Well I hope its not a bear, bears scare me."
"Coming from the woman who just killed a troll I'd say bears are the least of things that should scare you."
Gilbert and Clarissa had to wait for the hunting store to open up. Gilbert went and bought coffee and donuts while they waited. The hunting store was pretty normal, the kind of place neither Gilbert nor Clarissa felt comfortable in. The store owner who went by "Rick" also didn't seem the comfortable with them, and the sooner they left, the sooner everyone moved on with their lives.
"That was awkward."
"Always is, I tell you hardest part about doing this job is all the rural people who give me the side eye. I'm sure you'll get it just as bad being a woman."
"Good too know Gilbert, equal opportunity life suckage."
"You can always quit, though I imagine much like I did back in the day, you've got the taste for it, you see how we're needed and you see how being useful is a reward even if everyone gives you shit about it."
"Well that and I sold my soul to get here."
"Not sold put it up for pawn really."
"You have the nicest ways of explaining stuff."
"Doris said the same thing after I explained to her why her raise wasn't as good as that of a friend."
The clients house was north of Helena, way north almost in Canada which Gilbert groused about, grumbling other towns in Montana she could have mentioned it was near. By the time they arrived it wasn't even morning it was late afternoon and Gilbert was already upset. He got more upset when he saw Vasilly and his band of mercenaries blocking the clients house.
"What is This happy horse shit?" Clarissa could hear the anger in Gilbert's voice. He parked the van and stomped up toward the truck already fuming all the way, Clarissa struggled to keep up.
"Private property exterminator man."
"Yeah I know that son, what's you name? Jones? Jones get me Vasilly now."
"And why would I do that?"
"Otherwise I'm getting back in my van and ram your stupid truck out of the way." Jones seemed to think this over for a bit and then got on the radio. Vasilly was summoned from the house and came walking up with a smirk. He seemed to be taking his time which only upset Gilbert more.
"GD Exterminators, saw on the news how that whole ax thing worked out, glad I wasn't involved in it."
"Why are you at my clients place?"
"My client, you didn't want Mr. O'Grady's business so he went to someone who did."
"It's a brown bear Vasilly you know this."
"It's a bigfoot Dunkley, and you're in my hunting so I'd be glad if you'd move your dumb van and go back to Ellensburgh like a good boy." Gilbert flinched at boy, but he still went back to his van. Vasilly waved at him as he backed up to turn around.
"So we're going home?"
"Nope, we're going out in those woods and showing those idiots its just a damn black bear." Gilbert gunned the van and made sure to dump a bunch of smoking tires in Vasilly and his mens face. It was petulant and childish, but he did feel suddenly like a boy again.
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