"Listen here Duck, I didn't scrape my way out of one of the twelve hells to end up stuck in your stupid world, let me out of here before I turn you into burnt the fucking duck." Demurra's hands were slightly a blaze, Clarissa felt warm standing next to her.
"You're not nice, I don't like you, go away, go away." Chilly waved its hand and Demurra disappeared. Clarissa felt even colder without her near by.
"Do you want to play with me?" The voice put a chill into Clarissa, even more than just the general cold. She could see poor Micheal by the cartoonish couch of the creature. Clarissa thought of her bag of things and wondered what she could possibly use against the creature if anything.
"Yes chilly it's why I came, I want to play with you and Micheal." Chilly's face changed for a brief second, Clarissa swore she saw a man there.
"Micheal isn't fun anymore, but you, you want to play with chilly?"
"Yes I do chilly, I even have some stuff in my bag we can play with, do you want to play with my toys?"
"As long as there aren't any tricks in there, I like to play tricks, I don't like when people play tricks on me."
"No tricks Chilly, no tricks, let me just open the bag up and you can see." Clarissa didn't know what she was going to do would work, but she hoped she read the situation properly, hoped Chilly was what she thought he was.
"I don't see anything fun in there, just vials of things."
"I have magic dust for you to play with, and a joke you can read if you're good chilly, only if you're good."
"I'm good! I play tricks and we'll have so much fun, you'll stay with me forever!" Clarissa grabbed the hoodo powder and threw it on Chilly, then she slapped one of the incantations on him.
"YOU TRI...." Chilly became an old man for a moment before he was dragged to hell, Clarissa saw a moment of sadness in his eyes as something reached up from below to grab him. Instantly the cartoon fun house of Micheal's room was gone. Demurra remerged too.
"YOU FUCKING... Oh I see he's gone." Her clothes looked rumpled and she had burned away the sleeves of her shirt. Micheal too was with them, though he was huddled in the corner rocking back and forth. Demurra approached him and said something, the boy nodded and then looked to fall asleep immediately.
"What did you to do him?"
"Soothed his fear, I'm not a monster Clarissa, he'll sleep for a good eight hours wake up and be mostly ok, what did you to Chilly?"
"Sent him on his way, he was a ghost."
"A fucking ghost? Really? I must be losing my touch, come lets put the boy to bed and call his mother if she's still sober enough to come watch the child."
"And then?"
"And then I go home, god damn you exterminators need things spelled out for you." Demurra smiled and Clarissa felt warm for the first time in hours.
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