Doris opened the office and was greeted with a gush of cold air.
"Gilbert if you are going to leave a window open in winter this shit is going to happ...." The rest of her complaint died as she saw inside. The office was coated in seaweed. Doris didn't know what had happened, but she knew whatever it was, Gilbert, and probably Clarissa were in trouble, she only hoped they both knew that as well.
"Do you even know where you're going?" The interior of the ship looked better than the outside, but Gilbert kept feeling something was off but he couldn't put his finger on it.
"I know where I'm going Gilbert don't you worry none, like father always said trust to god."
"I don't see what that..." But Captain Carl started singing a song and ignored Gilbert's plea. Gilbert left Carl to his steering and went to where Clarissa was. Something about the ship was making her violently ill.
"So where's the fog?" Clarissa's voice was haggard from all the vomiting.
"I don't know, something else been bothering me, haven't been able to put it to words."
"Oh please Gilbert, please tell me while were trapped on a ship looking for fog in the middle of nowhere, that something else is wrong." Gilbert chuckled and Clarissa vomited again.
"I just feel kind of funny."
"Funny ha ha or funny we're going to die?"
"Something feels off here, I just I don't know, I was trying to remember something about Carl and I couldn't, but I know there's something there, and then I tried to look him up on my cell phone and..."
"... And you didn't have a signal? Yeah mines shit too, I chalked it up to the water and the boat, but that doesn't make sense I've been on a ferry and they worked." Gilbert considered that for a moment and then something about hearing ferry shook something loose in his head and his face showed it.
"Oh god, oh we are in some shit now."
"What? What Gilbert tell me?" Clarissa hadn't seen Gilbert get like this and it scared her.
"I remembered Carl now, he went missing back in the 80's, off the coast near that god damn forest."
"Right? So either he just got lost for a bit, or there was no fog and we were tricked into coming on to the water with something the forest sent after us." No sooner had Gilbert said it then the fog seemed to be all around the ship.
"Or option 3, there is fog, we're stuck on the ship with a creature that controls it and the ship."
"I hate option 3."
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