Friday, February 1, 2019

A Way Home Would Have Been Nicer



Gilbert and Clarissa were caught off guard by the noise. They had been in the engine room trying to see if they could get this ship moving when something collided with the ship.

"You think we hit land?"

"No ship this big you'd hear a lot worse of a noise more of metal on metal tearing, someone hit us."

"Oh god someone else trapped in this hell?"

"Or a rescue party." Gilbert and Clarissa left the generator area and got up to the deck. Once up there they could see Doris and Demurra standing apart from the carnival barker. Clarissa wanted to run to them, but Gilbert held her back.

"Could be a trap."

"Or they could use our help Gilbert."

"What help we can offer the real people is minimal, what danger that creature can inflict on us with a false image can not be understated." Clarissa understood, but didn't like it. So they waited to see what would happen, hoping that Doris and Demurra were the real deal.


"You're not welcome here." The carnival barker in front of them didn't look very scary to either person, but both could feel its power to know looks were deceiving.

"Wrong chuckles we're here for our friends." Demurra's fist glowed with a blue flame, her anger barely kept in check.

"Demon you have no power here, why even come if only to die?"

"Oh I was merely the driver, its the elf you should be worried about." The barker turned to look at Doris with a bemused face.

"An elf? I think this is a first for me."

"Hopefully be the last for you too asshole." Doris opened up a satchel she'd been carrying. At first it was just a beam of sunlight, the barker got a bemused look on his face, but the light grew stronger and stronger, burning away the creatures face and then the rest of him. The Fog that had been surrounding them burned away with it too leaving just the naval ship with two other ships smashed into it.

"How did you know I could do that demon?"

"I told you I literally can read your mind." Doris looked away feeling stupid for asking. Clarissa and Gilbert came running up. Clarissa and Demurra embraced while Gilbert looked away.

"So you're ship looks pretty banged up down there." Doris thankful to have some other conversation to be a part of agreed.

"Yeah the ship and fog just appeared out of no where on us."

"Well I wouldn't worry too much, I'm sure when this ship just emerged on radar in the sound someone in Bremerton shit themselves and we'll have a naval destroyer out here soon enough."

"There's a government shut down going on right now Gilbert."


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