Friday, August 16, 2019

Nothing Good Comes From You


"I should have known this was your fault Trezlan." Gilbert had mostly been caught up to speed, his stomach still hurt with hunger, but everyone had decided it was best to leave city limits and rejoin the world first.

"That's a fine way of trying to blame this all on me because that creature and me are from the same place."

"Isn't that enough?" Clarissa was sleeping in the back, she'd been tired since almost becoming one with the bugs, Gilbert worried something might be growing in her that he didn't see, but he was waiting till later to make that determination.

"I don't blame everything that happens on wherever you're from Gilbert! This is planetism."

"Not a word Trezlan."

"Where I'm from it totally is."

"I'm sure the land of bullshitia is really missing you right now."

"You are such a hateful person Gilbert, and as a fellow black man..."

"Stop that shit right here, A. You may share the same skin color as me, but you aren't my fellow fucking anything, and B. Fuck you."

"Hateful old man, I'll happily outlive you."

"With your stupidity I'm surprised you lived as long as you have, what was even going on in Bend to begin with?"

"Oh now that my mind is clear I can recall I found a summoning circle in a basement right before that thing screwed with my mind. I guess some people who don't like you thought they'd bring something down to kill you should those walker skins fail, and then they ended up becoming bug food because you shouldn't summon shit you don't know."

"Right like playing with Necromancy."

"Cheap shot Gilbert, aren't you worried about your assistant?"

Gilbert looked back briefly at Clarissa as she slept, "Terribly so."

"You know I can."

"Do fucking nothing, I'll figure it out."

"Touchy touchy."

"Trezlan when I drop you off I don't want to hear from you for a very very long time."

"Well the feeling is mutal Gilbert, feeling is mutual."


Gilbert pulled away from the shop and I felt my anger rising, I made sure to write in my journal he was such a dick. It's weird writing in english but such is the way things are until I can get home, eventually. Still the girl is probably sick or worse, and he'll need my help, the only issue of course is how to get him to accept it without him trying to kill me. And why is this always an issue for me?

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