Friday, September 27, 2019

A Soul War


"Fruitless conjecture Mr. Dunkley." Duffy had taken them back to his office for a celebratory drink and their payment. Gilbert did not like how tidy this had been considering how it started.

"It wasn't just one lost fey creature Mr. Duffy."

"It was, and you killed it, and now you'll be paid and be on your way." Before Gilbert could say anything else they were in front of the building. It caught both Clarissa and Gilbert by surprise.

"Rude of him."

"And stupid, he's in trouble and he's throwing us out? Well that won't stop me." Gilbert put his gear away in the back of the van, Clarissa followed suit and hurried to her seat Gilbert seemed in a hurry.

"Where are we headed."

"The other side in this conflict."


"She will not see you." It was a strip mall in Des Moines Iowa, the sign out front promised palm reading Clarissa felt her skin crawl just being inside. The receptionist was an overweight man who smelled of alcohol.

"I thought it was just the summer court that hated me right now."

"It's all of the fey Dunkley, and you know that." Gilbert took a set in one of the three chairs in the lobby. Clarissa did as well. "She won't see you even if you wait."

"We'll see about that, go ahead and do whatever you're going to do troll." The man at the front desk snorted and went back to whatever he was doing prior to them entering.

"Kind of rude to call him a troll for just telling us how things are Gilbert."

"He's literally a troll, he's just got an illusion to not look like it, its the smell that gives them away."

"I just thought he drank his breakfast."

"Well that too."

"I can hear the both of you you racist judgmental assholes." Everyone stayed quiet for a moment, than a phone rang at the front desk and the Troll answered. Gilbert couldn't make out the full conversation but by the Troll's anger at its resolution he knew he got what he wanted.

"She'll see you, but you watch it pal if you so much as breathe improperly in her direction."

"Right I'll make sure to be on my best behavior." Clarissa had no idea what to expect as they went down the narrow hallway into the room beyond, but she didn't expect a blooming fountain garden, with a rather large fairy sitting in a fountain staring back at them.


"Dunkley." The door shut behind him and not for the first time Gilbert wondered if he should have just let things go.

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